our 5 sustainable gardening Principles

These are our Principles of Sustainability. We have produced them after extensive discussions and member surveys - and modified them over the last five years. Please contact us to add your comments and ideas.

These are the headline principles and subsidiary principles will be added to the website in due course.
Because we consider issues holistically, some activities within the full group of principles will appear under several categories e.g. creating diverse planting is covered under enhancing garden diversity; managing the natural balance; enriching conditions for wildlife; optimising garden productivity; and preserving our genetic wealth

This relates to enhancing
natural biological processes


1. Enhance garden diversity; 2. maintain biologically active soil; 3.Manage the natural balance; 4 Safeguard natural cycles; 5.Enrich conditions for wildlife; 6.Optimise garden productivity; 7.Nurture healthy plants

A.This relates to managing
the growing environment.

Water Butt_NEW

1.Husband soil 2.Supply essential nutrients 3.Regulate water supply 4.Preserve our genetic wealth

B. This relates to reducing
environmental exploitation

5. Conserve energy 6.Source materials appropriately 7.Handle wastes sensibly 8.Minimise construction’s impacts

click for more Principles